Improvisational Theatre “Die Zuckerschnuten”
They came, they saw and they won …that’s why we are happy that they are back: Improvisational Theatre “Die Zuckerschnuten” will be with us again on October 14 and will ensure a good mood.
Improvisational theater is an unforgettable experience for both actors and guests: both sides have to be spontaneous and each performance is a unique play that cannot be repeated. Every performance, every evening runs differently, depending on what the audience shouts out to the actors and what they in turn make of it on that special evening. A play is created extemporaneously, which takes on its own dynamic with every single performance.

The beginnings of improv theater are in the 16th century and can be found in the commedia dell’ arte. The Commedia dell’arte form of performance was first found in Venice and Naples and unlike theaters of the time was performed by professional actors who acted in a family group.
Normally women were forbidden to act in theaters, not so in commedia dell’arte. They were organized in such a way that they lived together and all shared the income. Normally women were forbidden to act in theaters, not so in commedia dell’arte. The performances were later spread all over Europe by itinerant troupes. Their center in the 18th century became the largest city in Europe: Paris. There the plays were performed at Parisian fairs.
Improv theater, as we know it today, began to establish itself in the 1950s. Legendary ensembles such as Compass Players or Second City emerged in the USA. Second City, for example, was a Chicago theater group founded in 1953 as the Playwrights Theater Club, whose name came from a 1949 article in The New Yorker about Chicago. Since 1959, the name Second City has been officially used and instead of traditional plays, IMPROVED! Numerous former group members later starred in the television comedy show “Saturday Night Live.”

Improvisational Theatre in Teltow
Improv is now established as a specific form of theater. For those who want to learn more about it, we recommend being there live and taking a trip to Grimm’s Hotel in Teltow. For those who want to learn more about improv theater, we recommend the book “Improvisation for the Theater” by Viola Spolin from 1963. It contains countless methods, exercises and techniques and is considered a standard work that gives many actors, teachers and even psychologists a good overview of improv theater still today.
What? Improv theater “Die Zuckerschnuten”
When? 14.10.2022
Where? Grimm’s Hotel Berlin-Potsdam, Adress: Gonfrevillestr. 2, 14513 Teltow
Tickets? Tickets for the event are available at our reception desk from now on
ticket price: 10 Euro / box office price: 12 Euro