Grimms Hotels

Der Botanische Garten in Berlin / Berlin Botanical Garden

Christmas Garden Berlin – the Botanical Garden enchants with a sea of lights


nly 15 minutes away by car from our hotel in Teltow, you can immerse yourself in a completely different world from November 16 and escape the noise and bustle of the (pre-)Christmas season. When it gets dark, Berlin Botanical Garden opens its doors from 4:30 p.m. for an illuminated magical world along the circular path. Where otherwise deepest darkness reigns, the LED lights of more than 30 installations, which can be discovered on a tour through the garden, shine from November as every year at this time. No Christmas Garden is like the other and every year (new) impressive perspectives and colorful illuminations are created again. Many new creative highlights are also included this year, such as the Rainbow World, which, coordinated with a special sound design, will be a spectacular new spectacle presented with 60 spiral-shaped glow sticks. Newly staged classics such as the popular sea of lights with 28000 light-emitting diodes will once again enchant visitors this year and invite them to dream. A new audiovisual water fairy tale is dreamlike staged by the representation of the four elements fire, water, earth and air by music as well as water mist. The wonder world is completed with nostalgic animal figures and countless fairy lights.

Christmas Garden Berlin 2021 Singender Baum©Christmas Garden Michael Clemens Botanical Garden
Singender Baum ((c) Michael Clemens)
Christmas Garden Berlin 2021 Magische Galaxie©Christmas Garden Michael Clemens Botanical Garden
Magic Galaxy ((c) Christmas Gardens - Michael Clemens)
Christmas Garden Berlin 2021 Italienischer Garten©Christmas Garden Michael Clemens Botanical Garden
Magic Galaxy ((c) Christmas Gardens - Michael Clemens)
Christmas Garden Berlin 2021 Wassermaerchen©Christmas Garden Michael Clemens Botanical Garden
Water fairy tale ((c) Michael Clemens)

This year, for the first time, there will be open-air gastronomy: rustic cottage romance and a Christmas Garden Lounge at the Victoria House with lounge chairs, blankets, together with a glass of mulled wine and a culinary offer promise an unforgettable evening.

Christmas Garden Berlin 2021 Mondlichtwiese©Christmas Garden Michael Clemens Botanical Garden
Moon meadow ((c) Michael Clemens)

…and who is now worried about the power consumption, the organizer counters that the energy efficiency in the Christmas Garden Berlin has been continuously developed since the first event in 2016. For 5 years, all illuminations shine 95% with LED technology and through technical processes, the power consumption was further reduced this year. The ice rink, which consumes a particularly large amount of electricity, was still dispensed with.

By the way, taking pictures is explicitly desired, there will be a photo competition with a prize draw for the best pictures by the organizer.


November 16, 2022 to January 15, 2023


Botanical Garden Berlin, Königin-Luise-Strasse 6-8, 14195 Berlin, Germany.

Opening hours?

daily from 4:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. except on the following days: November 21,22,28,29 and December 24 & 31, 2022.


Regularly from 20,50 € for adults


via the website

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