Grimms Hotels

Deutsche Märchenstraße. Grimm's Hotels cooperation. Grimm's Hotels Kooperationspartner

Grimm’s Hotels cooperation with Deutsche Märchenstraße e.V.


here are the most beautiful fairy tale fountains, in which castle did Sleeping Beauty live and where does Rumpelstiltskin dance? - These and many more questions will be answered when you follow the stations of the German Fairy Tale Route.

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Bronze sculpture of the Bremen Town Musicians at the Bremen Town Hall ©Bilddatenbank Deutsche Märchenstrasse e.V.

Deutsche Märchenstraße e.V. is dedicated to the cultural preservation of the heritage of the Brothers Grimm. The association presents itself and the fairy tales in a variety of ways and invites you to experience the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and the buildings and incidents inseparably connected with them on site. The route starts in Hanau, the future location of our new hotel. Experiencing the Grimm’s fairy tales in a modern, artistic ambience is the philosophy at Grimm’s Hotels. Therefore, we are very pleased about the upcoming cooperation: Grimm’s Hotels will become part of the “German Fairy Tale Route”.

Hanau Brueder Grimm Denkmal Rathaus cooperation
Hanau market place and town hall with the Brothers Grimm © Photos above and right: Bilddatenbank Deutsche Märchenstraße e.V.
Hanau Ortseingangs Schild cooperation

This means that two important periods in the lives of the famous brothers are represented by two locations of the Grimm’s Hotel chain on the Fairy Tale Road…: They were born in Hanau, where our 4th hotel will open end of 2024 and they spent the last years of their lives in Berlin…. and, if they have not died, are still alive today.

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Grimm's Hotel Berlin-Potsdam with fairy tale motifs on the facade - inside and outside Grimm's fairy tales were interpreted by different artists ©Alexander Meyer
Froschkoe cooperation

The Managing Director of Grimm’s Hotels Munib Preljevic is sure that this will be the beginning of many events and joint events. He is looking forward to the cooperation: “Inspired by the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, we offer modern, individual design for well-being in our hotels. Together with our service and in the places where the fairy tale heroes come to life, there are fantastic opportunities to make the vacation or stay in the hotel something very special for young and those young at heart as well as for business people.”

In line with the previous hotel concept with gastronomy in the restaurant “Tischlein deck Dich” and the many possibilities for celebrations, meetings and events in our creative and conference rooms, we are looking forward to the people of Hanau and all guests who want to stay and celebrate in a relaxed atmosphere. With this cooperation we are even closer to the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and expect many visitors from all over the world.

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Signing of the contract between Grimm's Hotels Managing Director Munib Preljevic (l.) and Benjamin Schäfer of Deutsche Märchenstraße e.V. (German Fairy Tale Route). ©Johanna Schröder Photo right: 600 km long route of the German Fairy Tale Road, it leads along castles, palaces and locations where the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm come to life ©Bilddatenbank Deutsche Märchenstraße e.V.

For more information about our hotel in Hanau, please visit the link

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