Grimms Hotels

Kirschbäume. cherry blossoms. Kirschblütenspektakel

Spectacle of cherry blossoms in Teltow


t's that time again: the Japanese cherry trees show their most beautiful side only a few days. ...a flowering spectacle that you should not miss.

IMG 20230428 WA0005 cherry blossoms we go - the cherry blossom season is open! ©Johanna Schröder

Originally the tradition of celebrating the cherry blossom with a festival comes from Japan and is called Hanami. In Japan cherry trees stand for peace and tranquility. In 1990, money for 10,000 cherry trees was raised through a Japanese television station, which had called for donations out of joy over reunification of East and West Germany.

In November 1990, many of the trees were planted at the Glienicke Bridge, the so-called bridge of spies and many more of the cherry trees stand on the former border strip. One of the most beautiful places to see a sea of flowers out of cherry blossoms is the 2 kilometer long TV-Asahi cherry blossom avenue in Teltow with its 2000 trees.

The city of Teltow has a special cherry blossom ticker on its website. There it is reported in real time how far the flowers have blossomed….and latest pictures on the Instagram page prove: it’s going on! Be sure to visit the cherry blossom trail and feel free to stop by afterwards for a cup of coffee at our hotel in Teltow.

IMG 20230405 WA0017 cherry blossoms
Cherry blossom avenue Teltow ©Amer Memovic
IMG 20230428 WA0006 cherry blossoms
Close ups cherry blossom ©Johanna Schröder


Teltow: TV-Asahi Cherry blossom avenue

other places in Berlin where you can experience the cherry blossoms:

Gardens of the World, Blumberger Damm 44, 12685 Berlin

Landwehrkanal: on the former border strip between Treptow and Neukölln, easy to find from Görlitzer Park just cross the Lohmühlenbrücke and then walk towards Maybachufer

Mauerpark: between the S-Bahn station Prenzlauer Berg and the station Wedding, on the former death strip, there are about 200 trees, currently dipped in pink

When? now in bloom

Cherry Blossom Ticker:


Cover Pic: Cherry blossom avenue in Teltow ©Johanna Schröder

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