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Museum of Architectural Drawing. Tchoban Foundation

Tchoban Foundation – Museum of Architectural Drawing in Prenzlauer Berg


f you want to discover modern design and architecturally unusual buildings in Berlin, you can't avoid a visit to the Tchoban Foundation – Museum of Architectural Drawing! The building, which is part of the Pfefferberg area in Prenzlauer Berg, was built twisted in glass and concrete. In addition to the modern, unusual design, the structure of the concrete facade is particularly striking. Colored and three-dimensionaly embossed structures give the material a lively impression on the outside and inside. The graphic embossing was also transferred to the large-format hand-carved walnut wall panels and fixtures in the entrance hall, repeating the patterning of the exterior façade on other materials inside. The glass surfaces visible on the street façade conceal small light-flooded rooms inside, where one can let one's gaze wander outward over Teutoburger Platz as well as into the stairwell, which was also designed in the style of the exterior façade.

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House of the Tchoban Foundation in Prenzlauer Berg, Area Pfefferberg, photos ©kischreport

Every nook and cranny of this building was designed and implemented by Berlin and Moscow-based architect Sergei Tchoban, who works together with Sergey Kuznetsov (SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov architectural office).

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Walnut wall panels and fixtures with highly enlarged fragments from architectural sketches in the museum foyer, the oversized line drawings are repeated inside and outside, as well as door handles and seats; photos ©kischreport
Current exhibition “InsulaE” about the architect Aldo Rossi (1931-1997)
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View of the exhibition space, photos © kischreport

Inside, without any daylight to protect the collection from damaging sunlight, the exhibition rooms are located on 2 floors. Currently works by Italian architect Aldo Rossi (1931-1997) are on display until May 15, 2023. The exhibition “Insulae” refers to the traditional construction of ancient Roman dwellings (insulae), which characterized Rossi’s work and were his distinctive signature. Rossi was closely connected with Berlin and realized some unique projects in the capital. The Italian architect found inspiration for his work in works by Baroque artists such as Giovanni Battista Piransesi and in buildings from earlier centuries. While some of his drawings, such as ideas for the German Historical Museum, remained merely sketches, his building ensemble on Schützenstrasse in Berlin, with its four courtyards, was realized. Parts of the remaining facades, which are protected as historic monuments, were integrated into the facade. The house at Schützenstrasse 8 was given a shortened, faithful copy of Michelangelo’s courtyard facade from the Palazzo Farnese in Rome as its facade.

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Three drawings: above Milan-Affori, Houses/hotel project for Milan-Bicocca, below right. Vertical city with the Bicocca towers, photo © kischreport
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Watercolor and felt-tip pen on photocopy, Vertical City like N.Y. with Rossi's 1980 Wall Street project and Church of San Gaudenzio in Novara by Alessandro Antonelli (1987), photo © kischreport


Tchoban Foundation. Architectural Drawing Museum, Christinenstraße 18a, 10119 Berlin




February 4 – May 14, 2023 Aldo Rossi. Insulae

June 2 – September 3, 2023 ArchiVision. 10 years Museum for Architectural Drawing Berlin

Opening hours Mon-Fri. 2-7pm and Sat- Sun. 1-5pm.


6 Euro, reduced 4 Euro



Cover photo: Tchoban Foundation. Museum of architectural drawing ©kischreport